Published inThe Belladonna ComedyAt Cover Your Ass Realty, We Specialize in Apology Friendly Properties for the Rich and FamousWhen you need to make sure your home looks as dumpy as the public you’re apologizing to.Oct 3, 202315Oct 3, 202315
Published inThe Belladonna ComedyIs It the Algorithm or Is It Your Mom?9. Somehow has access to your internet search history.Feb 22, 202323Feb 22, 202323
Published inThe Belladonna ComedyWe, Your Health Insurance Providers, Are Tackling Breast Cancer Head On by Lighting the Outside of…Making sure our building has more coverage than you do!Oct 24, 20227Oct 24, 20227
Published inFrazzledAll I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten Then Had To Unlearn In A PandemicHi everyone! It’s me, your favorite ordained Unitarian Minister, Robert Fulghum. It’s been thirty-five years since I first shared my credo…Mar 26, 2021Mar 26, 2021
Published inGreener Pastures Magazine“This Valentine’s Day, Give Her Your Actual Heart!” Urges Organ Donor AssociationYou’ll never have to come up with the ultimate V-Day gift EVER AGAIN!Feb 12, 2021Feb 12, 2021
Lawyer Cat Is EXACTLY What We All Needed Right NowNearly a year into this infernal pandemic, I don’t know a single person who isn’t sick to death of communicating by video. My husband…Feb 11, 2021Feb 11, 2021
Published inThe HavenFacebook Messenger DM To My Seventh Grade Math Teacher to Rub In Her Face That I Was Right When I…Dear Mrs. Kurlander,Feb 1, 20213Feb 1, 20213
Published inThe Haven13 Totally Made-Up Holidays Which Hallmark Will Introduce to Make Up For Lost Sales Due To Covid1.Teal Tuesday: It’s the day after Blue Monday, so you have something to look forward to other than your aneurism-inducing Christmas…Jan 13, 20212Jan 13, 20212
How Parenting is Like a Game of PacManVery few things in life can be predicted with 100% certainty, however in addition to death and taxes, I’d like to add the following to…Jan 3, 20211Jan 3, 20211
Chanukah 2020 Could Best Be Described as “Fun Despite the Chaos”It’s the final night of Chanukah 2020. I could have just said “the final night of Chanukah” but I want to differentiate between all the…Dec 18, 2020Dec 18, 2020